Chapters in Books and Other Articles
Introduction: Urban Greening and the Green City Ideal

Growing Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century, co-author and co-editor Eugenie L. Birch, Penn Press, 2008

Green Investment Strategies: How they Matter for Urban Neighborhoods co-author Kevin C. Gillen and Carolyn R. Brown

Growing Greener Cities: Urban Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008), 316-325

The American Mortgage in Historical and International Context co-author Richard K. Green

Reprinted in Financial Systems in the USA – Strategic Issues, ICFAI University Press, Fall 2007.


Rebuilding Urban Places after Disaster: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina, co-author and co-editor Eugenie L. Birch, University of Pennsylvania Press, Fall 2007.

Financing Production of Low- and Moderate-Income Housing: comments

Community Development Finance Research Conference Proceedings, eds. Marvin Smith and Nora Fitzpatrick, Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and New York, Summer 2006

Housing and the Government Policy in the Global Economy: The Cases of Korea and the US

Residential Welfare and Housing Policies: The Experience and Future of Korea, Korea Development Institute Conference Proceedings, December 2005.

Mortgage Debt, Bankruptcy, and the Sustainability of Homeownership co-authors Elizabeth Warren and Raisa Bachieva

Credit Markets for the Poor, ed. H. Rosenthal, Russell Sage Foundation, 2005.

Hitting the Wall: Credit Quality as an Impediment to Homeownership co-authors Raphael Bostic and Paul Calem,

Building Assets, Building Credit: Improving Financial Services in Low-Income Communities, ed. Eric Belsky and Nic Retsinas, 2005.

Residential Real Estate Price Indexes as Financial Soundness Indicators co-author Bradford Case

IMF/BIS Conference on Real Estate Indicators and Financial Stability Proceedings, 2004

Geospatial Analysis for Real Estate Valuation Models co-authors Michelle Thompson and Kevin Gillen

Geographic Information Systems in Business, ed. J. B. Pick, Idea Group Publishing, 2004.